Ani-Magic 2002
September 4-6, 2002
Pictures from Sunday only

1) A 2 hour car ride out to the middle of nowhere...Lancaster, CA (Kristen, Kristy, Court-chan, and Will's head)
2) Group picture- Kristen as The Paper, Kristy as Random School Girl, Court-chan as Colonel Une, Will as Quatre, Ami as Sailor Mercury, and Karel as himself
3) Court-chan as Colonel Une from Gundam Wing

4) Kristy as a Random School Girl
5) Kristen as The Paper from ??
6) Will as Quatre from Gundam Wing

7) A beautiful Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess that had Karel very happy as a fanboy. ^_^
8-9) Court-chan DDRing with her Une boots off and her polarbear socks visible to the world ^_~

10) Court-chan DDRing with her Une boots off and her polarbear socks visible to the world ^_~
11) A MALE Prince Diamond from Sailor Moon that Court-chan was super excited to see
12) The Seramyu/Anime Musicals panel

13) The Seramyu/Anime Musicals panel
14) The same Renamon costume from Anime Expo! It's awesome!
15) Kristy with the English voice actor of Toga from Revolutionary Girl Utena (she had cosplayed as Utena at AX)

16) Ami with Scott McNeil! He's the English voice actor of Duo from Gundam Wing, Piccolo from Dragonball Z, and Wolverine from X-Men!!! *faints*
17) Will with Scott. LOL! When Will went over (since he was dressed as Quatre) Scott said in Duo's voice, "Oh no, the rumors are gonna start again." ^^;;
18) Scott talking with a girl and her black weiner-dog

19) Ami with the same Van from Anime Expo!!! I about passed out when I saw him, so Court-chan went with me to take pics with him. ^^;;
20-21) Aoshi Shinomori as Tidus from Kingdom Hearts...after being pushed in the pool by L to the 3rd!!
And many more pictures to come!!
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